We offer comprehensive legal advice

About Us

We offer comprehensive legal advice within the scope of civil and commercial law, public procurement law, labor law, administrative law, real estate law, etc. We render our legal counsel not only in specific cases (ad-hoc legal aid) but also by providing ongoing legal services to business entities and individual clients.

We provide legal support to various business entities, for example start-up companies and licensed businesses, we also register and liquidate firms, companies and partnerships in Poland and Germany.

We offer support to investors during business negotiations and legal assistance in all issues pertaining to the conclusion and execution of contracts. We provide legal services in German and English while dealing with foreign contractors, travel agencies, employers, insurance companies, Family Benefits Office (Kindergeld in Germany), tax offices. In all matters relating to international legal transactions we work in co-operation with a sworn translator of German based in Warsaw, please see www.siek.com.pl.

kancelaria radcy prawnego barbara duraczek



We provide comprehensive legal aid in relation to claims for damages, remedies for wrongs, and other types of compensation due in connection with the damage caused, both in pre-trial negotiations and in court.


Our legal adviser’s office has extensive experience in drawing up, analyzing and interpreting various types of contracts and agreements, such as developer agreements, loan agreements, (...)

Barbara Duraczek


Członek Okręgowej Izby Radców Prawnych w Zielonej Górze. Absolwentka Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu. Ukończyła pięcioletnie studia prawa niemieckiego na Europa Universität Viadrina we Frankfurcie nad Odrą, zdobywając tytuł LL.M. (magister legum)... więcej

adres kancelaria radcy prawnego barbara duracek


Kancelaria Radcy Prawnego
Barbara Duraczek
ul. Mickiewicza 5/2
65-053 Zielona Góra

NIP 9291731019

Skontaktuj się z nami

+48 887 985 617 Barbara Duraczek

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